Tortoise Habitats
The Radiated Tortoise
I recently worked on habitats for Radiated Tortoises, and with the lifespan they have they need to be comfortable!
Radiated Tortoises are native to Madagascar, but have been introduced to Mauritius and Reunion too. They can live up to 188 years, and the carapace of the radiated tortoise is brilliantly marked with yellow lines radiating from the center of each dark plate of the shell, hence its name.
These tortoises are critically endangered due to habitat loss, being poached for food, and being overexploited in the pet trade, so keeping them alive and thriving in captivity is important, and keeping them comfortable and happy is a job I am proud to do.
These enclosures have been inspired by the Tsingy formations in Madagascar and the Baobob tree trunks.
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Recent work inspired by the Tsingy rock formations of Madagascar.